Legal Forms



Form/Worksheet Use when –
Adoption adoption form
Annulment applying for an annulment or responding to an annulment petition
Child Support Enforcement attempting to obtain child support from your ex-spouse that was ordered in a prior court order
Divorce filing for divorce or responding to a divorce petition
Divorce Modification divorced or have already had a paternity order issued by a court and need to modify the child support, custody, visitation or health insurance for children
General Litigation your case is not a family law or probate law matter, such as business law, small lawsuits, etc. and you are suing someone or someone is suing you
Geographic Visitation Enforcement enforcement visitation geographic restriction worksheet
Grandparents Access grandparent trying to obtain visitation with your grandchild(ren)
Guardianship  you want be the caregiver of minor child(ren) or an incapacitated adult
Medical Power of Attorney you want to appoint someone to help you make medical decision
Name Change you want your name changed from your given name or married name and are not going through a divorce
Paternity the parents of the children were not married and there is no order in place yet stating the identity of the father
Premarital Agreement  you want to identify and protect your personal property and assets before you enter into marriage
Probate you have a relative that has died and you need to legally finalize their affairs
Property Enforcement attempting to obtain property that was awarded to you in a divorce/annulment
SAPCR – Suit Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship a suit is needed regarding visitation, child support, health insurance, etc. and doesn’t fit the other categories, often if the grandmother/parents are filing for custody of the child
Wills creating a will, statutory durable power of attorney, medical or health care power of attorney, power of attorney for children or directive to physician